“Wilderness Watch is on it! They keep me informed regularly about threats to Wilderness I can’t keep up with. They provide timely and thorough alerts that are easy to respond to. This effective organization deserves your support.”
Dave Stone, Member
“I have been a member of Wilderness Watch for decades. They are the only national nonprofit who focuses specifically on threats to federally designated wilderness and the importance of upholding The Wilderness Act of 1964 (PL 88-577). I value their work so much that they are the sole beneficiary in my will. We owe it to future generations to Keep it Wild.”
Kari Gunderson, Member
“We’re monthly donors to Wilderness Watch because they ensure that decision makers adhere to the Wilderness Act of 1964. Our wilderness areas are under constant threats from many sources hungry to make a profit. Wilderness is critical to the well-being of the earth, ourselves, and future generations.”
Bob and Kathleen Ahrens, Members
“I may never again get to the headwaters of the South Fork of the Yellowstone, or to the headwaters of the Thorofare River, or to Hawk’s Rest – the most remote spot in the lower 48 – or to many other remote Wilderness places I’ve been to, but I’m sure proud to be a supporter of an organization like Wilderness Watch that is working hard to protect these places.”
Bruce L., Member
“I just contributed to Wilderness Watch, this morning. We have a special connection to the Zahniser family and I delight that you use Howard’s words in your literature. Howard’s son, Edward, is a good friend of ours and when I asked which environmental group to support, he said that Wilderness Watch is the most active and organized. Keep up the good and necessary work.”
Jan Reelitz, Member
“I became a monthly donor to Wilderness Watch years ago because it helped my financial support be easy, constant and trusted (plus, is one thing off my busy plate). There are still options to occasionally increase the monthly pledge, send $$ when inspired by specific alerts or as congratulations on a big win, but I can relax knowing my pledge to support this extraordinary staff’s exceptional defense of our shared wildlands is firmly in place!”
Marty Almquist, Member
“Of all the organization working hard to protect the wilderness, with which we are all blessed, Wilderness Watch is the best. Theirs is a no frills, well informed, thoughtful and dedicated group. They maintain a clear focus on their mission to preserve the protections provided for so wisely 60 years ago by the Wilderness Act. Without such vigilance, wilderness would be eroded inch by inch, violation by violation and soon bear no resemblance to the wilderness that is now more than ever so important to preserve. I support their mission and their methods. I value their guidance and trust them to help me do my part to protect not destroy Wilderness. Thank you Wilderness Watch!”
Roberta Shields, Member
“It has become clear that the only possible means of assuring the long term protection of the Wilderness System lies in the watchful eyes and assertive voice of an independent grass-roots citizen’s organization. Count me in! The importance and urgency of the Wilderness Watch mission has persuaded me to make the time to get involved.”
Orville Freeman, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture in 1964, the year the Wilderness Act passed
“Thirty years ago many of us involved in the Wilderness Act expected to retire with the ability to look across the country at the legacy we labored to leave for our grandchildren, and to find it secure and intact. Instead, I find myself now unable to relax as I see that intended inheritance seriously threatened.”
Stewart Udall, former Secretary of Interior and Wilderness Watch Board member
“I’m proud to be a longtime member and supporter of Wilderness Watch. As a former U.S. Forest Service Wilderness ranger, I’m grateful that Wilderness Watch is there to defend Wilderness and the Wilderness Act from threats of all kinds. America’s National Wilderness Preservation System, and the wildlife that call it home, are better off because of Wilderness Watch.”
Jeanette Russell, Member
“Our Wilderness System is unequaled anywhere in the world, but our work’s not done. We face devastating encroachments on designated Wilderness with the four federal agencies not preserving the wilderness character of these lands. Wilderness Watch is standing up for the vision we began working on more than 50 years ago. That’s why I joined Wilderness Watch and serve as a member of the board of directors.”
Stewart Brandborg, former Wilderness Watch Board member and Executive Director of the Wilderness Society in 1964, the year the Wilderness Act passed
“Our family is most grateful that Wilderness Watch works so hard and so effectively to keep alive my father Howard Zahniser’s dream that the National Wilderness Preservation System should be truly wild in perpetuity.”
Mathias Zahniser, son of Wilderness Act Author Howard Zahniser
“I am immensely proud to support Wilderness Watch. It is the only environmental organization in the United States that refuses to compromise on the language and purpose of the 1964 Wilderness Act. It is the last and best defender of the wild against the mechanics in federal agencies like the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management who believe that wild places exist to be manipulated, rather than to be left alone to just be wild. As the monkey-wrencher Edward Abbey asserted: “Wilderness. It’s the only thing left worth saving.”
Michael Shurgot, Member
“Enclosed please find my membership renewal plus a little extra. As a longtime USFS Wilderness ranger I know well the need for your continuing presence and activism on behalf of designated Wilderness. As a seasonal employee, I have a front row seat to the Agency’s feeble commitment to Wilderness.”
“We support Wilderness Watch because it means people have a voice. It’s hard to make a difference as one individual. We make change when we join together with one voice.”
Wilderness Watch member from Idaho
“We are a huge supporter of Wilderness Watch. Unlike any other conservation group, they are singly focused on providing oversight of Congressionally designated Wilderness. They will not succumb to political whims, but will ensure that federal agencies management and actions adhere to the 1964 Wilderness Act. In this year of the 60th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act, please consider donating to this critically important organization.”
Chris and Pat Ryan, Members
Photo: Eagle Cap Wilderness, Oregon by Leon Werdinger