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Wilderness Experienced

NOT Alone in the Wilderness…

By Cathy Brandt Due to life-long arthritis and now a bit of the “A” word (age), I can’t hike very deep into wilderness areas. However, when I do I’m looking to experience solitude—to get away from masses of people and their litter, cell phones, dogs barking, and aircraft noise. It’s very sad that some people…

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The Boundary Waters and an Over-Reliance on Technology

By Kevin Proescholdt In August, my family and I enjoyed our second canoe trip of the summer in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) of northeastern Minnesota.  The 1.1 million-acre BWCAW is a lakeland wilderness with over 1,000 lakes connected by rivers, streams and portage trails. It is part of Superior National Forest and is…

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Cumberland Island

By Jessica Howell-Edwards Cumberland Island Wilderness is part of the Cumberland Island National Seashore in southern Georgia, administered by the National Park Service (NPS). It was previously sanctioned as a UN Biosphere Reserve, and is located just miles from Kings Bay Naval Base and also nuclear warhead storage. I firmly believe that all Wilderness experiences…

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The Wild Emigrant: Cows, Dams, and Damn Mosquitoes

By René Voss So now I know why people came up with the idea of aerial spraying DDT to kill pesky bugs … like the thousands of mosquitoes that attacked me over the summer solstice in the Emigrant Wilderness.  Relentless beasts! As I was walking out of the Wilderness I struck an interesting conversation with a…

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